Recently, we’ve been highlighting our core values. This time, we’d like to talk about honesty. Obviously, we all tend to believe in the Golden Rule and that honesty is certainly the best policy.


But it’s been our experience that a lot of roofing contractors don’t run their businesses in this manner. Historically, contractors are selling a product and really only want to deliver the latest shiny new thing or what’s best for the company and not the client…  They want to sell good news. But this is not always the right thing to do. Most companies send representatives that speak in platitudes, only talk about them, and don’t take the time to understand the customer’s needs. These platitudes won’t always solve the underlying problem which leaves you, the consumer, dissatisfied.

We work hard to hire people who are honest because this kind of thing just can’t be taught. And we think we’ve formed a pretty tight team.


Here at Mr. Roofing we’ve built our reputation on honesty. We understand that a new roof or roof repairs is not the most fun or glamorous way to spend your hard earned money. The truth is, sometimes we do have to deliver bad news. Roofs do need replacing from time to time.

Mr. Roofing Arial View

We strive to offer three different scenarios: good, better, and best. We seek to understand your situation and offer 3 scenarios that can help solve the situation. We prefer to give the pros and cons of each scenario and this way you can make an educated decision based on your tolerance for risk. We feel that transparency and education go a long way to establishing trust and finding the best solution for your budget. Better yet, give us a call - we’d be happy to help!

~Mr. Roofing

San Francisco’s residential & commercial roofing experts