October is the perfect time for cleaning your gutters before the holiday season. Our phones at Mr. Roofing are always very busy right after the first significant rain, which usually happens right around Halloween.

Sometimes, what appears to be a leak is actually a drainage problem.

Check Your Drains

On a flat roof, a plugged drain causes water backflow, which can lead to major damage, including dry rot and even water weight collapse. This is costly and dangerous.

Mr. Roofing Flat Roof Drainage

The good news is, this is totally preventable. We just need to clean our our gutters and drain systems.

How To Clean Your Gutters

If you are attempting to clean your gutters, there are a few things you will need.
  • Rubber gloves to protect your hands.
  • Extendable ladder to safely reach the roof.
  • A scoop or small shovel to grab all the gunk.
  • A plastic tarp to catch the gunk you’ve just removed from your gutters. This will save your lawn.
  • A garden hose to flush out the spouts and spot any leaks.


Good luck and as always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.


~Mr. Roofing

San Francisco’s residential & commercial roofing experts